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When tragedy strikes, we've got you covered.

16 Jul '24

How to Select Mourning Bands for a Fallen Law Enforcement Officer

Mourning bands are a simple yet powerful way to honor fallen law enforcement officers. Whether you choose the traditional black band or the symbolic thin blue line, the gesture speaks volumes. Selecting the right mourning band involves considering factors like size, material, and agency policies. By ordering in advance and ensuring the correct fit, you can respectfully honor the memory of a fallen hero.

03 Apr '24

Boston's Policing Revolution: The Birth of the Day Police on May 21, 1838

“In 1838, Boston pioneered a new era of law enforcement with the creation of the Day Police. This innovative force, enabled by a legislative act on May 21, 1838, was tasked with upholding the city’s laws during daylight hours. The first officers appointed in April 1838 marked the beginning of a more professional and centralized approach to policing, setting a precedent for future urban law enforcement across America.”
23 Mar '24

First Responders Put Themselves on the Thin Orange Line to End Gun Violence

In a nation grappling with gun violence, public safety first responders are pivotal. They don the thin orange line bands from Badgeart as a beacon of dialogue and action against this scourge. These bands are more than mere symbols; they are a call to educate, advocate, and support. Police officers, in the wake of mass shootings, extend beyond their call of duty, offering solace, resources, and investigative prowess to heal and safeguard communities. The thin orange line is a silent yet potent herald of a collective resolve to stem the tide of gun violence.

02 Aug '19

The 218th US Regulated Law Enforcement Officers of America LEOSA Badge


A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed -  Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America

218thUS badges and insignia are offered to those meeting the definition of a qualified law enforcement officer as defined by the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA). The Law Enforcement Officers? Safety Act (LEOSA) as amended can be cited as 18 USC 926B (for active duty law enforcement officers) and 18 USC 926C (for retired or separated officers).

A "qualified law enforcement officer" is:
(1) a current governmental agency law enforcement officer who is authorized to carry a firearm, who is not the subject of disciplinary action, who meets agency standards which require the employee to regularly qualify in the use of a firearm, and who is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance; and

(2) a retired law enforcement officer who retired in good standing from public agency service, who was regularly employed as a law enforcement officer for at least 10 years, who has a non-forfeitable right to agency retirement benefits, who has met the State's standards for training and qualification for active law enforcement officers to carry firearms during the most recent 12-month period, and who is not under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicating or hallucinatory drug or substance.

The Federal criminal code authorizes a qualified law enforcement officer carrying photographic governmental agency identification to carry a concealed firearm, notwithstanding any State or local law.
Qualified law enforcement officers are eligible to purchase of 218thUS emblems and insignia by submitting a copy of their photographic agency identification at the time of purchase.

Badgeart.Com is the exclusive reseller of 218thUS badges and insignia.

All 218th US badges must contain the following;

(1)     characters ?218 TH US
(2)     state or agency seal of the of the agency issuing the governmental ID,
(3)     an identification number issued by 218thUS

The purchase of 218thUS badges, awards, insignia, and gear doesn?t confer membership in a group or organization. Membership is inferred and governed to the class of citizens defined by the LEOSA federal statute, employed as a law enforcement authorized under state law, with authority conferred by a governmental agency as an active, retired, or former regularly employed officer of at least 15 years.

The Cost is $150 per badge payable to Badgeart Custom Badge Co.

Purchasers my submit a copy of a valid agency identification identifying the purchaser as a qualified LEOSA law enforcement officer.

Please allow 4 weeks for the manufacturing of this custom made badge.


3.325”(W) x 3.5”(H)

Gol-Tone with SIl-Tone Panels and TAC Black background.