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When tragedy strikes, we've got you covered.

Gun Violence Survivor Commendation Bar for Law Enforcement

Gun Violence Survivor Commendation Bar for Law Enforcement

$ 32.50

Gun Seizure Commendation Bar 

Law Enforcement offices are often victims of Gun Violence, yet such a traumatic act and associated sacrifice often goes unnoted.  The Gun Violence Survivor Commendation Bar is awarded as a highly credible award acknowledging a law enforcement officers personal risk and sacrifice in accomplishing the agency's important public safety goal. This commendation bar recognizes and gives notice to fellow officers and to the public of the officer's actions.  

Universal symbol of recognition for all law enforcement agencies. Wear Orange for Stop Gun Violence Awareness. Incorporates downward facing arrow symbolizing one less illegally possessed gun on the streets.

1 3/8" x 3/8" 

Comm Bars are made to order. Please allow 4-6 weeks.

Copyright 2022. George Brown.

thin orange line