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When tragedy strikes, we've got you covered.

Badgeart Thin Blue Line Mourning Ban for cloth and embroidered insignia on Boston Police embroidered badge patch

Black Blue or Red Line Mourning Band for cloth and embroidered insignia

$ 11.00

NEW Mourning Bar Clasp & Pin Badge Cover for Cloth, Embroidered and Flexible Insignia. Firefighters, emergency medical services members, law enforcement officers,  and others have been looking for a mourning badge cover for embroidered, cloth and flexible plastic badges. You'll wear this mourning band style badge shroud with the pride, respect  and professionalism you require when mourning fallen brothers and sisters. The Badgeart Mourning Bar was developed to meet your professions memorial needs. http://www.mourningbands.org

"When tragedy strikes, we've got you covered."

1/2" H x 2 1/4" W

Ships in 7-10 days.

Badges and patches are not included.